History - KnobDepot.com, Inc.
My experience in the kitchen cabinet business for nearly 20 years told me that the cabinet hardware industry in the U.S. had poor market distribution back at the turn of the century and was not reaching the greater market for their products. While major metropolitan areas did have some brick and mortar hardware retailers that were successful at selling some cabinet hardware, the vast consumer market could not be served by these locations.
Most consumers were left to peruse a very weak and incomplete hardware presentation at the local Home Depot or neighborhood hardware store. Because the selection of cabinet hardware is so vast, it is impossible for most retailers to display the products in any depth and keep up with product changes. I often wondered how one could reach this vast, untapped market. And then it came to me.
In early 2003, I met with the owner of Century Hardware - Joe Zhou, at the National Kitchen & Bath Show and asked Joe if Century would consider drop shipping orders that I would forward to him. Joe had never heard of anyone selling cabinet hardware on the internet and was naturally very skeptical. After further discussion, Joe decided to help me and this laid the foundation for KnobDepot.com. We developed our own website and launched in September 2003. With a $5k startup capital investment and only one brand of hardware on our site, KnobDepot reached sales of over $1.2 million our first calendar year.
We subsequently added Top Knobs and Belwith Keeler in 2005 and sales continued to climb. But we eventually hit a brick wall as new players began to discover the power of the internet, creating a flood of competition. Today, facing overwhelming competition from marketing giants, we have realized that the secret to successfully compete with the Amazons of the world lies in Customer Service.
KnobDepot offers only the highest quality hardware brands manufactured by some of the best companies in the business. More importantly, our people are knowledgeable and available to discuss questions by phone or email 24/7. Our Customer Google Reviews offer proof that our accessibility, performance level and product reliability are second to none.
Charlie Schaetzle - Founder